Torres Alta Luz Cristalino

The shape of light

Torres Alta Luz is the first brandy “cristalino”, made in Barcelona. The new spirit - a product of Torres Brandy, the flagship of Juan Torres Master Distillers, the Spirits Division of Familia Torres - is the remarkable result of the 90 years of experience in the perfection and innovation of the distilling art. The surprising bottle celebrates the outstanding purity of this brandy, aged and masterfully carbon-filtered, filling the crystalline liquid with shining glints of light, while celebrating the richness of its deep, multifaceted flavour. A bottle without equal. A bold and sophisticated identity.
A project with international resonance for a bottle destined to become a protagonist in the world of spirits.


An all-round “holistic” project. We began with the creation of the brand name – Torres Alta Luz - and ended with the design of the “diamond” bottle, which visually enhances the transparency of the liquid and conceptually expresses the richness of the flavour and aromatic depth of the grapes, along with the notes that develop with age. The label – textured, minimalist and precious, like the collar too - completed the work thanks to the refined citation of the mineral filtration techniques used in the processing and distillation. The resulting Brand Visual Identity perfectly interprets the innovative nature of the distillate, in keeping with the long-standing expertise of the Company, whose founder becomes a testimonial featured on the cameo-style seal. The work on the brand language, both on- and off-pack, has generated the key visual of the product and the video used as ADV campaign for the international launch of the product.